Friday, December 14, 2018

Earth Changes Experts!

Hi Families-

We have had a week full of hands on learning here in second grade! This week, we completed four science experiments on earth changes. We learned that the earth's surface changes, and that change can be fast, like an earthquake or a volcano, or slow, like water or wind erosion. This week, we simulated an earthquake and a volcano and noted how quickly the earth's surface changed. We  then looked at water erosion by pouring water slowly down an "earth's surface" to watch how, little by little, the water picked up pieces of the soil and moved it to a new place. Finally, we explored wind erosion by creating a model of a sand hill, and then using our breath to mimic the wind. We saw how slowly over time, the wind picked up the sand and moved it to another place. Here is us exploring earth changes:

This week in math, we read the book Alexander, Who Was Rick Last Sunday. In this book, Alexander describes how he lost all of the money his parents had given him that Sunday. We kept track of each amount of money, and then used the open number line strategy to subtract it from 100 cents. We are becoming subtraction experts!

Other Things to Ask Your Child About:
- Winter concert
- Good places to stop, think and jot in your books
- Capturing our audience's attention in our writing by using catchy beginnings and endings
- Conducting a student's survey!
- Moongobble and Me

Have a wonderful weekend!

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