Sunday, March 24, 2019

Celebrating Differences

Hello Families-

We've had a wonderful week here at Rick Marcotte Central School. This week, we had some amazing opportunities to celebrate all sorts of learning. On Monday, the second grade class celebrated Disability Awareness Day. During this experience, students were given tools to help them experience four different disabilities: learning disability (dysgraphia) by wearing socks on their non-dominant hand and trying to complete a drawing; hearing impairment by wearing noise canceling headphones and then trying to follow a set of verbal directions; visual impairment by wearing a blindfold and using a probing cane and a peer to navigate a maze; and physical limitations by wearing socks over their hands and trying to do fine motor tasks like buttoning shirts or putting beads on strings. The goal of this day was to gain empathy for those with different abilities and the strengths and challenges they face every day. Here are a bunch of pictures from this day:

The second grade was also thankful to have the fabulous PTO sponsor Ms. Nancy coming in to teach us Math Through Art. In our first lesson, we looked at different geometrical shapes, and then each student created a riddle. These riddles contained three shapes that followed a rule and one "rule breaker". Then, they used art to share their geometrical thinking. Here is our math work:

This week in Farm-to-School, we learned about the cocoa bean and all that the hard work it takes to make chocolate. We then got to learn about a healthier version of chocolate- cacao! We used cacao and some maple syrup to make a delicious, healthier version of hot chocolate.

In your child's Friday Folder is a bright orange piece of paper that is a sign up for Spring Parent Teacher Conferences. I hope to have these forms back Monday so that I can coordinate sibling conferences. Thank you!

Other Things to Ask Your Child About:
- Writing book award nominations
- Moving to book clubs that work on goals
- Counting mixed collections of coins
- Edges, Vertices and Faces of 3-D shapes
- Horton Hears a Who whole school celebration

Have a wonderful week,

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